We will be recording as much of the conference as we can. Below are a few tips and how-to's for using Zoom.

☑️ What do you need for Zoom:

ℹ️ Renaming yourself: When you enter the room, we'll ask you to rename yourself. If you don't know how, check out this quick How To.

🎤 Muting and unmuting: Conference facilitators reserve the right to mute you if we receive audio interference from your window. Here's a brief how-to on muting/unmuting yourself in Zoom.

📷 Video: We encourage you to keep your video on, but we also respect your need to turn your camera off when you need to. Here's a short how-to for turning your camera on and off via Zoom

❗ Please note that while you may have your audio and video on through Zoom, you may still need to enable audio or video on your computer, which should be accessible through your computer's settings or toolbar. Contact your Regional Manager if you need assistance.